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A Theory on the Writing of Press Release from Business Communication Book

Monday, May 23, 2011

A press release is pseudo-news story, written in third person that seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter the newsworthiness a particular person, event, service or product.

It is an effective form of publicity for any organization. It can be used to announce events, developments, meetings, appointments, promotions and the like. It should be prepared meticulously and concisely with the exact information you wish the public to receive. It must be interesting, newsworthy, and timely. Accuracy and completeness are essential, or it probably will not be used. Releases should be written like the best of all possible “stories” coming out of your event. You want reporters to use the information it contains to write stories of their own.

Another form of writing effectively publicity material is written a media advisory. It is written to announce an event, which you want the media to attend. A press advisory is designed to bring an event to the media’s attention and entice journalists to attend. It should be written in a simple form, including all pertinent information – the what/topic, where, when, and who speakers for the event. It should not be more than one page. You should clearly written what the journalists can expect to take place. A contact name and number for questions should be written at the top. These advisors are printed on the sponsoring group’s letter head.

The Press Releases should be sent to:

Beat reporters who cover your issue, e.g. environment, education, etc.

Assignment editors at television or radio stations

Radio and TV producers or bookers who schedule for shows that may cover your matter

The chapter has been taken from MB0023 Business Communication book of SMU MBA. We already have shared a note on the writing of resume in this series.


Keshav said...

Kindly make the use of this temporal information technology more consumer-friendly to make it efficiently usable.

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