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Agenda of Meeting from SMU MBA of Business Communication

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The word ‘agenda’ is derived from Latin, meaning the actions to be taken. Note that it was a plural word. Originally the singular term was ‘agendum’. In modern days however, we accept ‘agenda’ to refer to the list as a whole and the plural is ‘agendas’. Every meeting should have an Agenda. It was a document, which provides an advance outline of the business of the meeting, thereby allowing participants to prepare themselves. In other words, agenda refers to a list of points that needs to be discussed at a meeting.

In business meetings of deliberative bodies, the agenda may also be known as the ‘orders of the day.’ The agenda is usually distributed to the participants of a meeting prior to the meeting, so that they will be aware of the subjects to be discussed, and are able to prepare for the meeting accordingly.

An agenda helps the chairperson to structure the meeting and the secretary/minute taker to keep track of what is being discussed. It needs to include the most important items and be sent out in advance. This allows the participants to research agenda items before the meeting. An agenda can be a list of items to be discussed at the meeting or may include more information advising the members on action related to the topics.

Planning and designing an agenda before a meeting is very important. It should give as much information as possible in advance. It should list not only the topics to be discussed during the meeting, but also the proposed goals of the meeting.

Circulate the agenda to the members, who have to attend the meeting; and supply any relevant background information before the meeting but keep it brief. Consider the approach you will take as a meeting leader, any opening remarks you will make and how will introduce each topic on the agenda.

Agenda of meeting is the sequel chapter of a note on types of communication and styles of meetings from business communication book of SMU MBA.


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